Acupuncture for plantar fasciitis

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In the quest for non-invasive treatments for plantar fasciitis, acupuncture has come up time and time again. This ancient chinese medical treatment involves the use of needles at various points in the body, that causes the brain to release natural pain killers. As soon as you mention needles, you know I shy away as much as possible if at all it can be avoided.

But many people do not mind the needles and may want to consider acupuncture as a treatment alternative for plantar fasciitis. The medical response is not overwhelming one way or the other. Some acupuncture specialists claim that their patients were cured; some traditional medical doctors dispute the claims.

So the question of choosing acupuncture is really up to the individual. It might be worthwhile to note that if you are a resident of the US, check with your insurance if they will cover the cost of the acupuncture treatments, since usually you cannot expect results in just one sitting. Generally several sessions are required and may be maintenance sessions may be required as follow-ups. Gather all the facts before making a decision.

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