EWST Plantar Fasciitis Treatment

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In my quest to learn more about plantar fasciitis treatment methods, I came across a technique called EWST. This stands for Extracorporeal shock wave treatment. Sounds like a complicated phrase, but essentially EWST for plantar fasciitis involves shooting high intensity sound waves into the area. The technique is not completely well understood yet, but several theories have been put forth as to why EWST is potentially a good candidate to be considered in the treatment of plantar fasciitis.

One of the theories is that since EWST inflames the area by design, creating new inflamed areas that trigger the brain to send nutrients and healing chemicals to the area. A second theory is that new blood vessels get created in the newly inflamed areas that are actually in close proximity to the affected plantar fascia, thereby triggering the healing process.

There are strict guidelines involving the usage of EWST for plantar fasciitis. Other simpler treatments need to be considered first before resorting to this procedure. But then again that is common sense too in my opinion.

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